From the course: Designing Data Governance

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What is a data governance council?

What is a data governance council?

From the course: Designing Data Governance

What is a data governance council?

When companies start new initiatives, they sometimes put all the work for that initiative on one team or department. They hire a new chief, task them with transforming the whole business while wielding minimal power, often give that chief an underwhelming budget, and keep their initiatives confined to that team. Approaching digital transformations this way ensures that their work will have minimal impact. Data governance councils do the opposite. Once you have your data strategy in place and the right stewards to fulfill it, you'll need a way to keep everyone on the same page working towards the same goal. Data governance councils are a shared space for your data stewards to meet often, share updates on data in their domains, cowork on data projects, and discuss new definitions for your data dictionary. As you build your data governance council, be aware of the following: First, you'll need to ensure that you involve both the right stewards per data domain and the right executive…
