From the course: Designing a Presentation (2021)


- [Instructor] When a designer begins a project, it's very common practice to create a mood board, a collection of different assets, as they help with creating a link between them and the audience and something you may want to utilize in your presentation design too. It doesn't matter whether you create an actual physical version or use a software solution to create your mood board, but doing so will connect you with the personas you've established as members of your audience. Your shopping list, as it were, should include colors. All the colors associated with them in some way, such as the industry they work in, or a particular cultural association, choose not only those colors, but also ones that will create contrast. Textures. What are the fabrics they wear? Is it silk or synthetic fibers, wool, cotton, denim? What about the furnishings around them? Find what you think makes them comfortable. Imagery. What images appeal to them? What art hangs on their walls? In the magazines you think they may relish, what is the style of the images in them? How are they presented? You can also find the last item on our list in magazines too, type. Look at the typefaces used in the magazines they read and how the type is arranged. You'll find that in higher end publications, text often gets a lot more space around it and more delicate type than at the other end that may well be a bit more edgy. This process doesn't have to take too long, but it can be very useful in determining the look and feel of your presentation.
