From the course: Design Thinking: Cultivating Curiosity for Empathy and Inclusion

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Curiosity and the brain

Curiosity and the brain

- I'm going to give you a little curiosity quiz. Prepare a list of thought provoking questions. These questions should encourage critical thinking and curiosity. Here are a few to get you started. One, if you could design your own LinkedIn Learning course or do a research project based on your personal interest, what would it be about? Number two, think about a skill, or an area of knowledge outside of your current role that you would like to explore. What is it, and why does it pique your curiosity? Last but not least, what is a current event or issue in the world that you find fascinating, and you believe it's worth delving into? Take a minute to do this now, and we'll talk about some fun science when you get back. You know when you really want to understand or learn about something, like why people and their dogs start to look alike or why some of your customers order iced coffee, even when it's freezing outside, like me. Besides getting brain freeze, we now know that feeling you…
