From the course: Data Strategy

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Data governance is the best way to scale your data operation

Data governance is the best way to scale your data operation

From the course: Data Strategy

Data governance is the best way to scale your data operation

- Data governance is like the brakes on your car. Many people believe that the primary function of car breaks is to stop a vehicle. When in fact, they're there to allow you to go fast. Data governance sets standards and policies for the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data. When done well, data governance helps you grow fast, and do so with consistency. We are used to the notion of data always growing, and, as such, data governance can seem like an afterthought. That data will not be in a form to be translated into information, knowledge, and, ultimately wisdom, leading to action, unless it's trusted. In fact, without proper data governance practices, it's not hyperbole to note that your data can actually be a liability. Not long ago, I wrote about a multi-billion dollar technology company that added data to its customer relationship management system whenever a request was made. The company…
