From the course: CSS Fundamentals: Unlock the Power of Web Styling

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Understanding how flexbox works

Understanding how flexbox works

- Flexbox is shorthand for flexible box. It's a layout module for CSS that gives you an efficient way to arrange, organize and size website elements to create responsive designs. Front end web developers have embraced Flexbox for web-based layouts because it lets us arrange items within a parent container, and then get pretty specific about how we want those items to behave in relationship to one another. The way Flexbox works is pretty straightforward. You have a container it's called the flex container or parent then you have the elements within the container and these are referred to as flex items or children. The flex items are placed along flex lines which are either a vertical or horizontal access. These items can be manipulated in layout, size, spacing and even change order along the flex line. Let me say that one again. You can manipulate the order of flex children with Flexbox without touching the HTML structure.…
