From the course: CSS Fundamentals: Unlock the Power of Web Styling

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Understanding CSS frameworks

Understanding CSS frameworks

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, we talked about CSS reset and normalized CSS. Those are bits of code other developers have written that you can use in your code to save you the time of writing it yourself. Well, imagine that concept on a broader scale and you've got yourself a CSS library or framework. A CSS framework is a collection of CSS files with predefined rules for commonly used things like typography, UI components, layouts, and yes, even browser resets. There are benefits to using a framework, such as cross-browser compatibility, consistent styling, responsive layouts, speeding up your development time, and even learning CSS just by studying other people's code. There are a ton of CSS frameworks out there and many have come and gone over the years. Some of the more popular ones today include foundation sites, bootstrap, and tailwind. Now as flex box and grid have matured, I see CSS frameworks playing a…
