From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Grid item properties

Grid item properties

- [Instructor] Now let's go over some of the grid item properties. These will allow us to further control our layouts and be able to position the grid items in a more precise manner. The grid item properties that we'll be looking at are grid-column-start/ and grid-column-end, grid-row-start/ and grid-row-end, grid-column/, grid-row, grid-area, justify-self and align-self. It is worth mentioning that if you try to combine grid with some of our older pseudo layout technologies like inline-block, display table-cell, and floats, these will have no effect on the grid-based properties. Onto better things I say. Grid-column-start/, grid-column-end and grid-row-start/ and grid-row-end determine at grid's item's location within the grid by referring to specific grid lines. Grid-column-start/ and grid-row-start is the line where the item begins and the grid-column-end, grid-row-end is the line where the item ends. Let me show…
