From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Grid container properties

Grid container properties - CSS Tutorial

From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

Grid container properties

- [Instructor] As I mentioned, just like Flexbox, CSS Grid has properties for the parent container and for the child items. Let's look at some of the container properties first. For the container, we have display, grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, grid-template-areas, grid-auto-columns and grid-auto-rows, grid gap, justify-items and align-items, justify-content and align-content, and grid-auto-flow. Display defines the element as a grid container and establishes a new grid, formatting context for all of the contents. We can either use display:grid or display:inline-grid. There's no real difference except how the parent element acts within the page. It is more common to use display:grid. Next, we have grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. These define the columns and the rows of the grid with a space separated list of values. The values represent the track size and the space between them represents…
