From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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Using Flexbox: Solution

Using Flexbox: Solution

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Hey, how did you do with your challenge? Is your webpage responsive? At the small screen, do you have a header and a footer that are sticking to the top and the bottom of the page? Does the main article appear before the two sidebars? Does it take up a majority of the screen space? How about at the larger screen size? Does your layout switch to a three-column layout for the middle portion of the screen? Is the main area taking up the majority of the horizontal space, and is it flexible? Is the main area appearing in the middle of the page, as mine does here? Well, I hope you are able to resolve this without too much trouble. Let me review how I solve this problem. Here's the HTML that I used. It's pretty simple. I have a header, I have a main element that contains the article, which comes first inside of the main element, and then I have two asides, and then finally the footer. And…
