From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Main section

Main section

- So now we're going to style our main section. So back to our CSS file, after the header rules Let's come in here, let's first create a rule that will target all of the sections. We're going to come in here and set a margin bottom of 50 pixels. And then we're also going to set a pseudo element to clear all of the floats. We're still going to be floating some individual elements here to create columns for the print version and we'll want to clear these floats as well. Again, just like we did earlier in the course. So after section two colons then type after, Put in our brackets. We'll type content. Two tick marks and a semi-colon. So we're going to leave the content blank. We'll set a display type of block. And a clear property of both. So now with those changes made to all sections, now we'll target section main. So we'll type section.main. Put in our brackets. We're going to set margin top to 20 pixels. We're going to set margin bottom to 30 pixels. Next, we'll target the asides…
