From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

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Inviting customers into your organization

Inviting customers into your organization

From the course: Creating a Positive Customer Experience

Inviting customers into your organization

- One of my friends who I'll call Jay was planning a surprise party for another friend who I'll call Dee. Now Dee had told me many times that her worst nightmare was a surprise party, she didn't like the whole idea of them and was worried it would be a moment of embarrassment instead of delight. I tried telling Jay that I thought Dee might enjoy another type of celebration, but Jay insisted, he felt he knew what Dee wanted. You can probably guess what happened, the surprise party was a true surprise to Dee who was upset and anxious the whole event. All I could think was, boy, I wish Jay had asked her what she had wanted. Well, I hate to break it to you but sometimes brands act like Jay, they believe they know what their customers want, they might have excellent intentions, they might work really hard on something like a product launch or a big event, but if they don't bring the customer into the process early enough,…
