From the course: Construction Management: Planning and Scheduling

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How is the work done?

How is the work done?

- Developing a plan. This is where it all begins. A poor plan is probably going to result in a poor schedule no matter how good the scheduling person or scheduling team is. Planning has to be done before scheduling and like I said earlier, planning starts during estimating because estimating is more than just pricing out the individual components of a project. It really involves figuring out how the job is going to be built. You have to determine not only what needs to be built but also things like what sequence will these things be built in and who will do it? Will you self-perform or will you subcontract the work out? Let's talk about the sequence of work for a minute. Some construction projects are fairly straightforward. This includes many what I call new build projects, projects where we're going to build a structure or facility on an empty piece of land from the ground up. On projects like these, there really may only be one logical plan or sequence of events. You clear and do…
