From the course: Construction Management: Modular Construction Methods

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Combining on-site and premanufactured

Combining on-site and premanufactured

- When it comes to field assembly of prefabricated components, there is another issue that has to be acknowledged and addressed. - There are challenges that come along with it. When you look at field tolerances. You know, concrete has tolerance, steel has tolerance, we have tolerance. Especially with us, when we're building something where all of our components are rolled from the model, we're not relying on somebody to cut it or somebody to use a tape measure. Our systems can become more accurate and so our field tolerance can go down. But in order to not have other subs tolerance interfere with us, we have to account for that. So a lot of our details will have slipped connections or tolerances built in so that we know we're good and that everything is being done accurately. But if the concrete's out within tolerance, he contractually doesn't have to change it. It can stay where it's at and so we have to kind of…
