From the course: Compliance and Regulations for Generative AI

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Typical personas for data and AI governance

Typical personas for data and AI governance

From the course: Compliance and Regulations for Generative AI

Typical personas for data and AI governance

- [Presenter] If you have joined this Linkedin LEarning course, that means that you have some specific role in your organization to understand, analyze, or even manage compliance topics for generative AI in your company. Nowadays, there is a huge evolution of the roles, including AI compliance officers, data protection officers, responsible AI champions, et cetera. During this class, you'll learn about the potential roles that will take care of the compliance topics related to generative AI. But also, what can you do as an individual in your company to guarantee that you are being compliant with all international regulations and standards. Last but not least, don't forget that compliance and technology topics are converging all the time. So this task can be carried by people with very different backgrounds, including software development, data engineering, data science, business stakeholders, and others. Generative AI compliance is a team sport, and you, regardless of your role, will…
