From the course: Communicating with Clarity as a Manager

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Make your feedback clear and constructive

Make your feedback clear and constructive

From the course: Communicating with Clarity as a Manager

Make your feedback clear and constructive

- You worked hard on a project, presented it to your manager, and the feedback you got was unclear and confusing. How did that make you feel? Probably frustrated, right? I remember going to one of my managers to express frustration about our culture and another leader who I felt was bringing morale down. My manager didn't minimize my concerns, but focused me on what I could control, and helped me to see my circumstances in a different light. His feedback was couched in a way that helped me see what I needed to do differently. As leaders, we needed to develop the crucial skill of providing constructive feedback, so that we can transform the way our team members see their circumstances. Here are three quick tips for providing constructive feedback. First, be specific about the behavior or action you're addressing. Vague statements like, "You need to improve," lack clarity and can be demotivating. Instead, offer actionable…
