From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Design principles and best practices

Design principles and best practices

- [Instructor] Let's continue our look at key terms to know for the ACP exam with some principles of design and common design techniques. In graphic design, space can be either positive or negative. Positive space indicates the presence of objects that you want to direct the viewer's eye to. Negative space is the empty space around elements and both positive and negative space serve important functions. For example, the background is kind of a negative space that frames a composition. Lines in graphic design are used to connect various points. They can be thick or thin, straight or curved, solid or dotted and so on. Lines are used to give structure to a composition, to divide space, frame information, and to guide the eye. Shapes are two dimensional objects defined by boundaries made up of lines or color. Logos are often made up of shapes, and shapes can be either geometric, like circles and squares or organic and irregular. You can see every element in a composition as a shape. And…
