From the course: Customer Experience (CX) Foundations

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Defining customer experience success for your business

Defining customer experience success for your business

From the course: Customer Experience (CX) Foundations

Defining customer experience success for your business

- What does customer experience success actually mean? You might be thinking, "This is obvious, we're looking to exceed customer expectations, and deliver great experiences for every customer." So then I'd ask, "Why?" What do those great experiences do for your organization? Of course, they lead to happier customers, who won't leave and will ultimately provide more sales. That seems like enough, but each organization is unique, and your unique organization has specific goals. This is why it's important to build a customer experience strategy that will provide both short-term and long-term goals. Perhaps most importantly, and frankly the most overlooked in customer experience efforts, is defining these goals in ways that are meaningful and measurable, to determine success and challenges. Maybe you are working on annual goals like a revenue goal, or maybe you have specific aspirations around gaining market share. But…
