From the course: Bluebeam: Manage Safety Submittals

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Set up a project

Set up a project

- [Voiceover] Now that we've created our cover sheet for this process, we need to store it somewhere where everyone can get to it. And that's where we start to use the cloud storage and collaboration features found in Bluebeam Studio. So the way to access Studio is in the right screen panel, so if it's not already open go ahead and click the handle to open that up. And if you don't see the Studio icon, just right-click somewhere up here in the toolbar and choose show and navigate down to the Studio icon. We already have that showing so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the Studio icon. And if you've never logged into Studio, it'll look like this. You can see that the icon here indicates that we are disconnected. So again, this is a cloud based feature so we're gonna click on this icon to connect. Now I already have a Studio account, the dialogue box is going to open up with my username, which is my email address, located in there and all I have to do is enter my password. Now when I…
