From the course: Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core 8

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API design basics

API design basics

- [Instructor] There are so many approaches to API design. So many best practices, naming standards, and, first and foremost, personal preferences. I do have my preferences when creating an API, but you may have developed your own. This course is on creating web APIs with .NET and ASP.NET Core, so I do not want to force you to a specific style. I would like you to learn how web APIs work with the .NET stack. Therefore, I tend to handle things rather flexibly. However, there are some best practices that many, if not most, people agree upon. I'd like to briefly cover those. The APIs we are working on will be for the fictional H+ Sport brand. You see the fake website here, Well, the website is not fake, but the company just doesn't exist. However, you can navigate around, and there is even an online shop here. And that online shop has a couple of categories, activewear for men, for women, and some more. And then, you can just pick a category. And, in that category, you…
