From the course: Building a Data-Driven Culture

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Managing and governing data

Managing and governing data

- All organizations manage data in some form. They generate, process, use and store data as routine outcomes of daily operations. Even if it's informal and reactive, it's still a form of management. Consider, for example, employees using spreadsheets and storing them on a server, or developing reports using a variety of data sources. It's difficult to imagine a business that doesn't manage data. While all organizations may manage data, either formally or informally, much fewer govern their data. A basis for a data culture requires that organizations have the fundamentals of good data management and governance in place. Coupled together, these fundamentals support the journey towards enterprise information management, or EIM, meaning they become the foundation for elevating data to become a shared enterprise asset. To explore this further, let me get one thing clear right away. Data management and data governance are not…
