From the course: Android App Security: A Structured Approach to Pen Testing

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Basic adb commands

Basic adb commands

- [Man] Now that we have setup the emulator, the workstation, and collected all the test applications onto a single location. Let us begin by understanding a few basic commands of Android Debug Bridge, and get ourselves familiar with those. So we'll just launch a command prompt at this location, and here is my emulator. The first command that we need to run is to check whether my ADB is able to communicate with my device or not. Now you can have multiple physical or virtual devices, or you can have a combination of both. In any scenario, the command would be ADB, space, devices. This'll tell you how many devices are currently attached to your ADB. The next command that we are going to use is ADB, space, install. This command is used to push any APK file which is present on your workstation, to your emulator. After that you'll just provide the file name with the absolute part of that APK file, but since I'm running the command…
