From the course: Alteryx for Healthcare

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Using a linear regression model

Using a linear regression model - Alteryx Tutorial

From the course: Alteryx for Healthcare

Using a linear regression model

It's now time to see if you can estimate the expenses incurred by customers of the insurance company. And for that, we head over to the Predictive palette and include the Linear Regression tool in our workflow. We'll need to make sure that it is the estimation data that is fed from the Create Samples tool. For this, we will add a Browse tool after the reports and also after the interactive report. So we will have a lot of data to study. But for that, there is a small matter of configuring the Linear Regression tool. Here, we can first set a model name, though this is not necessary. I'm just going to call this Linear Regression and then we specify the target variable, which will need to be one of the numeric columns. It is going to be expensive in our case. As for the predictor variables, we can just check this box in order to include all of the non expensive fields. If we expand the customize menu, you will note that there are some configurations that are possible, including the use…
