From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Scaling, shearing, and rotating objects

Scaling, shearing, and rotating objects - Affinity Designer Tutorial

From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

Scaling, shearing, and rotating objects

- [Instructor] In this video, I'd like to talk about scaling, shearing and rotating, but before I do that, I'd like to address something that I did not address in the previous video on text. What I'd like you to do is to add text to this label. And I didn't do that in the previous video, so let's go ahead and do that here. So, if I click on this item, you'll notice that is says, embedded document over here in the layers panel. I want to edit that document by double clicking. And you'll see that it opens up in it's own embedded tab. Okay, so here's the document. Here's our embed. So grab the text tool by hitting T on your keyboard and just click and drag out some text and 88 points is fine. And I'm going to type in a name for this label. South Africa, like so. I'm going to grab my move tool here and I'm just going to get this in place where I would like it. I'm using snapping, so it snaps right along that vertical line, right there. And I'm happy with the placement. So if you go back…
