From the course: AutoCAD Facilities Management: Space Management

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Setting up space text on the drawing

Setting up space text on the drawing

- [Voiceover] We're now going to have a look at setting up our space text on the drawing itself, on the FM drawing. So we're staying in the 00_GND_FM_ANNOTATE.dwg drawing that we've been using to work through this particular chapter. Now in previous videos, we set up the bathroom text, and we set up the area value text there, the 16.3 square meters. They're both using an annotative text style using single line text. What we're going to do, we're going to go to the Home tab on the ribbon, I'm gonna come into annotation here and into my text style. Now the SpNames_MODEL is the one that is annotative. I'm gonna switch that off like so. I don't want it to be annotative anymore. I'm gonna set the text height to zero, so the AutoCAD will have to prompt me for my space names' text height. Once I've got that in place, I can actually just okay that. So that's all done, like so, and we've got spacenumbers there, as well. Now, "A current style has been modified, "Do you wanna save your changes?"…
