From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

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Create PowerPoint charts with think-cell

Create PowerPoint charts with think-cell

From the course: Monday Productivity Pointers

Create PowerPoint charts with think-cell

My name is Jess Straten, and welcome to Monday Productivity Pointers. This week, I'm focusing on app that we've gotten requests to do. It's called ThinkCell, and it's an add-in for PowerPoint that makes making complex charts easy. If you've never used an add-in, it's a completely separate app by a completely separate company that works within PowerPoint. You can create charts and PowerPoint natively, but to add detail and complexity requires some time, and I'm going to show you how ThinkCell can do this for you in just a few clicks because here on Monday Productivity Pointers, we are all about doing things as quickly as possible. ThinkCell is currently available on Windows and Mac, but the desktop version of PowerPoint only. It doesn't work with Office 360 on the web. Let's get started creating this chart. I'll change to the insert ribbon tab, and when you install ThinkCell, you're going to get a new add-in area here in the insert ribbon. I'll click elements. Here's all the chart…
