From the course: Migrating from AutoCAD to MicroStation

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Seed files

Seed files

- This exercise we'll discuss how to use feed files to define standard settings for future design files. Continue using the file from chapter two, basic DGN concepts. To create a new drawing, like other Windows applications, we will use a seed file, or a template. Using templates is a concept that is used by many other Windows applications, and probably is not a new one for most of you since you used templates in Autocad. Seed files in Microstation are the exact same thing as a template, it just has a different name. The seed file stores common settings that need to be carried through to all design files in an organization. Each organization, should define their own corporate standards in a custom seed file. There are also two types of seed files provided. 2D and 3D. Other seed files are available, but they vary mainly in working unit settings, such as imperial or metric. And pre-constructed graphics and layouts. A seed file is also no different than any other DGN file format, and…
