From the course: Microsoft Copilot for Security

Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security - Microsoft Security Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Copilot for Security

Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security

- [Instructor] Let's get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security. Open a browser, then enter the URL, I will sign in with my Microsoft work account. On the Copilot for Security portal, the top area is for showing your session history. If this is your first time on Copilot for Security, I'm Bryan Li, and I worked in IT and cybersecurity In the middle area, you can explore some promptbooks. A promptbook is a collection of prompts working together to complete a security task. we have too few skills covering multiple knowledge domains, too few analysts who are experienced in security operations, and too few hours for incident response. You can ask anything about security or click the prompts icon for prompt suggestions. I can use promptbooks. I can also leverage the system capabilities. Click see all system capabilities. There are many prebuilt prompts based on the plugins I have. I can search for a specific promptbook or system capability. For example, search for script. It will find for me. Now let's enter a prompt. For example, I want to get an overview of recent cyber threats. I can enter, "Summarize cyber threats within the last seven days." Then click submit. We will get the response from Copilot for Security, and it provides some reference links. To see how the Copilot worked on my request, I can expand the steps completed. First, based on my prompt, it chose the plugin Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence. Then it looked up threat intelligence information and sent to large language model to process. Finally, it prepared the response, ran safety checks, and composed the output message. I can rate the Copilot's response by selecting it looks right, needs improvement or inappropriate. I can export a response by saving it to a Word document, sending an email, or copying it to the clipboard. I can also pin this response to a pin board so I can revisit later. In addition, I can edit, resubmit, and delete this prompt. Copilot for Security keeps a history of my sessions. I can edit the session name at the top. For example, change it to summarize recent cyber threats. Then click save. Click Microsoft Copilot for Security at the top left to go back to the homepage. I can see my recent session show on the homepage. Click the manual icon at the top left. I can view all my sessions, access the promptbook library, and adjust settings like preferences, user permissions, data and the privacy. Go back to the homepage. Click the sources icon in the prompt bar. Here we can manage plugins. I can set up Copilots access to Microsoft Security products like Defender, Entra, Intune and Sentinel, third party products like ServiceNow and Splunk, public websites, and add your custom plugins. As we learned earlier, Microsoft Copilot for Security can use these plugins to pre-process your prompt and post-process AI's response. I can also upload files like my security policies, so it will add my organizational knowledge to Copilot and it will help Copilot generate more relevant responses. Click the question icon at the bottom right of the homepage. We can view documentation or click help to contact support. Now, you should know the general operations of Microsoft Copilot for Security, but this portal is not the only place to access Copilot for Security. We can also use its embedded experience in some Microsoft Security products like Microsoft Defender. I will show you later in this course.
