From the course: Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert (AZ-305) Cert Prep: 1 Design Identity, Governance, and Monitoring Solutions by Microsoft Press

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Setting up Conditional Access

Setting up Conditional Access

- [Instructor] Using security defaults, we can enable MFA for all users. However, sometimes you want a little bit more control. So for example, you might only want to prompt MFA for users under certain conditions. For such scenarios, we can use Azure AD Conditional Access. Azure AD Conditional Access requires a premium license. So in order to be able to follow through this, you need to have either purchased a license and assigned it to the user that you are managing this from or at least signed up for the free trial. From the Azure portal, search for Conditional Access. And then from here, by default we come to the policies page. One of the first things we might want to do is create named locations. So when setting up MFA, we can actually set IP ranges where we want to disable MFA for. We can also set specific IP ranges for different countries or for different locations. So this is useful if you only want to enable MFA…
