From the course: Microsoft Teams: Successful Meetings, Webinars and Events

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Customize your meeting background

Customize your meeting background

- I started another MeetNow meeting so that I can show you how you can change your meeting background. I'm going to turn my camera on and you'll notice that I have a green screen behind me. It doesn't even fill all the way out to the edges, but that's okay because having a green screen will allow me to do a better job with things like background filters. So, I'm going to click background filters. In my first filter, there are no filters applied now. The blur filter will blur everything behind me so I get like a green banner down the center, little bit of noise out to the sides. Then I have access to these other backgrounds. So, let's try for example this background that is Pantone Color of the Year 2022. And notice that it fills out the entire thing all the way out to the edges, which is kind of nice. But there's a little bit of green that shows up around my headphones because what it's doing is it's making a cutout of me…
