From the course: Media Composer 2020 Essential Training: 101 Fundamentals 1

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Rearranging with Extract and Splice-in

Rearranging with Extract and Splice-in

- Moving clips segments inside a sequence using the extract splicing or lift override modes, should follow a pattern you are now well familiar with. I'm going to start off with the extract splicing mode here and before I do, I'm going to take a quick look in the timeline settings. I have the timeline window active. So I'm going to press and hold control or command and hit the equals key. And this will bring up my timeline settings. I want to draw your attention to this option display during segment drag. Right now, I've got this set to four frames. So I'm going to get the before and after and the contents of the segment that I'm dragging. We actually took a look at this earlier when we were dragging clips in from a bin or from the source monitor. With my yellow segment mode selected, I can select a clip. I've got my linked selection on, and if I drag this clip around in my sequence, you'll see right away in the composer window,…
