From the course: Media Composer 2020 Essential Training: 101 Fundamentals 1

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Animate a shot with keyframes

Animate a shot with keyframes

- [Instructor] The resize effect is ideal for us to explore key framing in Media Composer. The term key framing comes originally from cell animation, where a lead animator would draw the key frames that were going to be used in an animation and their assistants would fill in the missing frames, making sure that everything matched up. In a nonlinear editing system, key framing means assigning specific parameters at a particular point in time and allowing the system to animate those parameters from one moment to the next. Let's take a look at how this works. In the timeline window, I'm going to click the move effect button to get rid of the version of the resize effect that we have already. And I'm going to add the effect again. Now in the composer window, I'm in the preview mode and I've got these reduce and enlarge buttons set so that I can see a little bit of the space around this image. I'm going to position my…
