From the course: Marketing on Instagram

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Marketing with Instagram Reels

Marketing with Instagram Reels - Instagram Tutorial

From the course: Marketing on Instagram

Marketing with Instagram Reels

- [Presenter] The most powerful way to engage online audiences is through video, hands down. With Instagram, that means using Instagram Reels, Instagram's 90-second max short form video option. Reels can be displayed in the home feed, alongside other posts, like this one, but they can also be viewed exclusively by tapping on the video icon towards the bottom of the screen. I have been using Instagram since its inception, and recently I have been blown away by the video editing features Instagram has been releasing over the past couple of years, rivaling standalone mobile video editing applications. To create a Reel, tap on the plus button in the bottom center of the screen. Then, at the bottom of the screen, tap on the Reel option. You'll notice that at the top you could use your camera to record a new video, you could use some pre-made templates that Instagram has set up, or you could just select one of your videos below. And so from here we can start editing this video. We've…
