From the course: Marketing: Copywriting for Social Media

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Understand copywriting formulas

Understand copywriting formulas

- [Narrator] Copywriting, even for experienced marketers, can be one of the hardest skills to master, but what if there were a quick and easy way to create consistently compelling copywriting? Don't just dream about it, let me show you how. Some of the most effective copywriting formulas for social media have actually been around for decades. One is a four-piece formula, where you include a promise, where you tell the reader what's in it for them, a picture, where you paint a vivid scene for the reader to show them what's possible. Proof, where you back up your vision for them with substantial evidence that you can deliver on your promise and a push, where you make your offer and request that they take action. For example, let's say that you're a pillow manufacturer. Your promise might be, you've never had such a peaceful, deep, cozy slumber. Your picture, you wake up, snuggled in your cloud-like pillow and notice that your…
