From the course: Managing a Customer Service Team

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Understanding how “icebergs” can sink service

Understanding how “icebergs” can sink service

From the course: Managing a Customer Service Team

Understanding how “icebergs” can sink service

- Good customer service managers spend a lot of time worrying about service failures. In many cases, warning signs were missed. I call these warning signs "icebergs" because what you see is small compared to what's lurking below the surface. This video will explain how to look for icebergs so you can stop small problems from becoming big ones. It's an essential skill that will help you continuously improve service. The first step is probably the hardest. Don't assume it's an isolated incident. We're so geared towards solving problems for our customers that it can be difficult to stop and wonder if the problem might be even bigger. This happened to me with my book "Service Failure". I just received the first copies of the book from the publisher. I kept the first copy for myself, gave the second to my wife, and gave the third to my parents when I visited them that weekend. While visiting my parents, my dad pulled my…
