From the course: Machine Learning & AI Foundations: Linear Regression

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- [Instructor] So what's up next for you on your learning journey? I want to make some suggestions. To start, go grab a practice data set, preferably one that's new to you, and try out some of the skills you've just learned. But what about another course to consider? Well, there are several directions in which you could go, but I'm going to start you off by suggesting three. First, since you have an interest in SPSS, there's an SPSS learning path. Now, note, this learning path includes courses on both SPSS statistics as well as SPSS' predictive analytics and machine learning sibling, SPSS Modeler. So if you want to stay focused on algorithms within that learning path, "Machine Learning and AI Foundations: Classification Modeling" might be perfect. Now, if you want to stay more focused on theoretical foundations, I've done a pair of courses on causal inference, and the course you've just completed would be the perfect…
