Expand a search in Talent Insights

Last updated: 7 months ago

LinkedIn Talent Insights search allows you to use a variety of different data points to identify a specific market segment.

Talent Insights reports include the following filters:

Talent Pool Report filters: Job Title, Location, Skill, Company, Industry, Function, Advanced Filters (School, Degree, Spoken Language, Keyword, Years of experience)

Company Report filters: Company, Location, Skill, Job Title, Function, Advanced Filters (School, Degree, Spoken Language, Keyword, Years of experience, Employment Type)

Here's a tip

The Location filter displays cities for a country if at least 50% of the members in that country have a city selected. This is to ensure that our reports have enough member coverage to provide useful insights to customers.

We recommend starting with a country level search to get a macro view before narrowing down to a specific location. Start by filtering using Skill and applying a function filter to narrow your search to a specific job function.

If your search yields fewer results than expected, adjust your criteria by:
  • Using the filters to the left of your search results to refine it further.
  • Expanding your search to include additional titles, skills, and locations using smart suggestions.

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