Reject applicants on LinkedIn Recruiter

Last updated: 1 month ago

Who can use this feature?

This feature isn't available for Recruiter Lite.

LinkedIn Recruiter allows you to reject candidates who’ve applied to your job posting with or without a rejection message. You can only do this if you have chosen to collect applicants through Recruiter while creating your job post.

When you reject a cadidate, it moves their profile under archived. You can unarchive a candidate and move the profile into a different pipeline stage. However, if you selected to notify the candidate on rejection, then the candidate wouldn't be notified of the change.

You can either reject an applicant manually, or you can enable auto-archiving of candidates who don’t meet the required screening qualifications in your job posting or out of country applicants who apply to your job posting and send them rejection notices after they have been in your archive for a period of time. You can always move a candidate from the archive back to active status. 

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