View and manage search alerts in Recruiter and Recruiter Lite

Last updated: 4 weeks ago

You can enable a search alert while saving your search in LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Lite. You can have up to 50 search alerts active at a time. Our system will run your search every 24 hours to find new or updated profiles that match your search criteria. We’ll notify you of new results via email and the  Notifications icon at the top of your Recruiter homepage.

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To view and manage your search alerts for all projects in Recruiter:

  1. Click the global search bar at the top of your Recruiter homepage.

  2. Select Saved searches from the dropdown.

  3. Click Daily or Weekly above your list of saved searches to set the frequency of your search alerts. The frequency will apply to all search alerts.

    Important to know

    You must select a frequency to enable alerts for a saved search.

  4. Locate the search alert and click the  Alert icon to turn the search alert on or off.

To view and manage your search alerts for a specific project in Recruiter:

  1. Click Projects at the top of your Recruiter homepage.

  2. Click the project title.
    • You can use the search bar and filters on the left to locate your project.
  3. Click the Talent pool tab.

  4. Click the  More icon on the filter pane on the left and select View saved searches.

  5. Click Daily or Weekly above your list of saved searches to set the frequency of your search alerts. The frequency will apply to all search alerts.

    Important to know

    You must select a frequency to enable alerts for a saved search.

  6. Locate the search alert and click the  Alert icon to turn the search alert on or off.

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