Manage users and licenses in LinkedIn Admin Center for Recruiter

Last updated: 1 month ago

Your LinkedIn Admin Center allows admins to manage billing, users, and licenses across LinkedIn products all in one place. There are no changes to existing permissions or access levels when you gain access to the LinkedIn Admin Center. As an admin, you can access the information based on your permissions for each LinkedIn product.

As an admin with designated permissions, you can manage billing, users, and licenses. You'll be onboarded and able to perform your appropriate admin functions in one place after activating the LinkedIn Admin Center. 

You can manage users through the LinkedIn Admin Center under User & license management. Designated admins can use LinkedIn Admin Center to manage user access, permissions, roles, and more. You can grant users access, update their information, manage user custom attributes, such as limits for InMail, bulk messaging, job slots, and set up authentication methods.

The Users tab allows admins to organize users and manage other admins on their account. The Activity log tab provides visibility on the actions performed on user licenses and admin permissions. 

Admins can also: 

  • View the product summary overview 
  • Export and analyze user information 
  • Resend welcome emails to users who haven’t activated their license 
  • Manage licenses, permissions, and roles 

Admin Center Users tab Admin Center Activity log UI

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