CRM Sync Sandbox and Testing Guide

Last updated: 1 year ago

To start testing CRM Sync within a Sandbox environment, we recommend testing each of the features below to ensure a successful connection.

Who can use this feature?

CRM Sync is an Advanced Plus feature.

Get started

  • If your CRM admin and Sales Navigator admin aren't the same person, please ensure they're doing these steps together.

  • We recommend having access to user accounts within the Sandbox CRM that own opportunities, as some features will work differently based on opportunity status.

  • Users who are testing in the Sandbox environment will see a banner at the top of all Sales Navigator pages while in the Sandbox environment. Please ensure users see this banner before proceeding.

  • If you haven’t already, follow the steps in the help center article to connect to Sandbox and add users.

Below are the features we would recommend testing and how to determine if they are working as expected: