Tagged in “Payments and Receipts”

3 articles
  • View and store your payment information

    Recruiter Lite and Payments and Receipts

    When you purchase an InMail, Premium account or a job posting, we automatically store your payment method so you can make additional purchases without re-entering your information. You can also store multiple payment methods and manage them for…

  • Resolve a declined credit card payment

    Recruiter Lite and Payments and Receipts

    Your services may be suspended if your payment is declined. Due to strict confidentiality policies within most financial institutions, the details regarding the decline aren't disclosed to LinkedIn. Please contact your financial institution if you…

  • Bank authorization for premium services from LinkedIn

    Recruiter Lite and Payments and Receipts

    When you add your credit card for a free trial or any other Premium service, LinkedIn contacts the issuing bank to make sure the payment method is valid. Your bank may reserve the funds until the transaction processes or the authorization expires…