Misinformation and inauthentic behavior

Last updated: 1 year ago

To help keep LinkedIn safe, trusted, and professional, our internal team of experienced news editors provides trustworthy news about current events from verified sources. We also work to identify and remove misinformation and inauthentic behavior from our platform. As we continue to improve, we are committed to helping our members make informed decisions about content they find on LinkedIn, so we work with Microsoft to provide tools that assist our members in identifying trustworthy, relevant, authentic, and diverse content.

LinkedIn’s Professional Community Policies clearly detail the objectionable and harmful content that is not allowed on LinkedIn. Misinformation and inauthentic content is not allowed, and our automated defenses take proactive steps to remove them. LinkedIn’s blog provides information regarding our efforts, including How We’re Protecting Members From Fake Profiles, Automated Fake Account Detection, and An Update on How We Keep Members Safe.

LinkedIn members can report content that violates our Professional Community Policies, including misinformation and inauthentic content. Our Trust and Safety teams work every day to identify and restrict such activity, and if reported content violates the Professional Community Policies, it will be removed. 

LinkedIn members can identify misinformation and inauthentic behavior by utilizing the News Literacy Project, The Trust Project and Verified, all of which develop information literacy campaigns built on industry research and best practices. The News Literacy Project campaign developed a quiz that tests a person’s ability to identify why the information they are seeing is false and inaccurate in less than five minutes. The Trust Project campaign developed the research-backed 8 Trust Indicators, which aim to improve consumers ability to identify reliable, ethical journalism. Finally, Verified delivers lifesaving information and fact-based advice to build digital literacy that helps communities protect themselves from misinformation.