Tagged in “Manage Users”

21 articles
  • Create and manage groups in your Learning account FAQ

    Manage Users

    Groups are an easy, intuitive way to recommend content to a specific set of learners. You can create groups of learners in your Learning account and recommend courses or learning paths to everyone in the group at one time. Please review the below…

  • Change email addresses in bulk in Learning

    Manage Users and People Management

    As an admin, you might need to update or change the email address of your learners due to various reasons like change in domain name, or during acquisition or merger. To update or change the email addresses of learners in bulk using CSV: Download a…

  • Emails to learners from Learning FAQ

    Manage Users

    Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more about the emails LinkedIn Learning sends to learners. What types of email does LinkedIn Learning send to learners? Why do we send emails to learners? Learners who receive our emails visit…

  • Child groups in Learning FAQ

    Manage Users and Groups

    Groups are an easy way to recommend content to a specific set of learners. Child groups are a nested form of groups, or groups within groups, and can help admins by making bulk user management a seamless experience. Adding child groups on LinkedIn…

  • Resend invitation emails as an admin in Learning

    Manage Users and Alerts and Notifications

    If a learner didn’t receive their original invitation email, you can quickly and easily send a follow-up email. Related tasksAdd individual learners to your accountAdd email domain for learner account verificationAdd users and manage admin…

  • Use domain verification link for account activation in Learning

    Manage Users and Account Access

    Email domain verification is another method LinkedIn Learning provides for learners to activate their Learning organization account. It simplifies license activation by providing learners with a single URL destination to activate their account. To…

  • Manage custom attributes in Learning

    Manage Users

    Custom attributes allow admins to customize data entry points for their learners. Admins can create custom attributes for their learners by either uploading them to CSV, or adding the attribute using the SSO setting. Create, upload, and download…

  • Custom attributes in Learning Overview

    Manage Users

    LinkedIn Learning provides admins with the ability to generate learner reports that can contain certain pre-defined learner attributes or categories. Learn more User and attribute management / org sync overview Managing attributes Building and using…

  • Add email domain for account verification in Learning

    Manage Users and Learning Management

    As a LinkedIn Learning admin, you can prompt your members to use email domain verification to activate their Learning account. Email verification simplifies license activation for both the admins and the learners, by providing learners with a single…

  • Remove users in bulk via CSV

    Manage Users and People Management

    Through the Learning Management People tab, you can bulk remove or archive users via CSV file upload. To learn how to revoke user licenses in bulk using a CSV file, click here. You can download the CSV template here:

  • Add users and manage admin permissions in bulk via CSV

    Manage Users

    In the People Management tab, CSV file uploads can be used to add new users and update existing users on your account, grant admin permissions, send custom invitation emails, and remove users. (See Learn more section below.) Please review the…

  • Download a CSV list of learners

    Manage Users

    LinkedIn Learning admins can download a full or filtered list of learners on their organization's account. The download is available in CSV format and will include customized fields based on learner attributes, groups, and licenses. To download a…

  • Update a unique user ID in Learning via CSV

    Manage Users

    LinkedIn Learning relies on a learner’s email address as a unique identifier. However, in certain contexts, some companies that use SSO may choose to use the unique_user_id attribute as a unique identifier instead. If you'd like to update this…

  • Manage users via CSV in Learning

    Learning Management and Manage Users

    As a LinkedIn Learning admin, you can grant or revoke permissions to both admins and new users in bulk. To do so, update the Users and admins template, as explained in "Create your CSV File" in the Related tasks section below. To grant general…

  • Configure and enable SCIM for Learning

    SCIM, SSO, and Manage Users

    As a LinkedIn Learning admin, you can enable and set up System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) on your Learning account. The SCIM server option appears on the admin settings page (Me > Authenticate > Automate user management). To…

  • Unassign learner licenses in your organization’s Learning account

    Manage Users and People Management

    If someone has left your organization, or you need to free licenses, you can: Unassign a single license from an existing learner. Unassign a set of licenses from learners in your account. Unassign learners in bulk via CSV. As an admin, you can…

  • Generate an Activation Link as a Learning Admin

    Manage Users

    Learners are automatically sent welcome emails as soon as their accounts are added to your Learning license, however, some may have trouble locating or accessing the email due to security restrictions. An alternative to re-sending the Learning…

  • Multiple Authentication Methods for LinkedIn Learning - Overview

    Manage Users

    LinkedIn Learning admins use different authentication methods to provide Learning access to learners within their organization. An authentication method is used to determine whether or not a learner gets access to LinkedIn Learning. As an admin, you…