Audiences page in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 2 months ago

When advertising with LinkedIn, you can save custom audiences for use in future campaigns in Campaign Manager. There are two ways to create and save an audience or template: 

  • Matched Audiences - Use options such as contact or company lists, retargeting, integrating contacts from a third-party system, or predictive audiences to create your audience. 
  • Saved Audiences - Create and save an audience using audience attributes. 

With the Audiences page in Campaign Manager, you manage your Matched and Saved Audiences from one place. You can also access detailed data insights on your audiences’ behavior. 

Here's a tip

To find your Audiences page, click Plan on the left menu and select Audiences. Then choose either Matched or Saved at the top.

Matched Audiences

Matched Audiences are custom audience segments you can use as targeting selections in your advertising campaigns.  

In the Matched section of the Audiences page, you can manage all the Matched Audiences for your ad account. In this section, you can: 

  • Create a new Matched Audience or predictive audience.
  • Share a copy of your Matched Audience. Predictive audiences aren't shareable.
  • Delete one or more of your Matched or predictive Audiences. 
  • Create a campaign using one or more selected audiences. 
  • Access insights about your audience. 
  • View, sort, and filter by the status of your audiences, sources, match rates, audience counts, number of active campaigns, audience ownership, and when the audience was last modified. 
  • Search for an audience by name. 

When you click one of your Matched Audiences or predictive audiences, you can view which campaigns the audience is associated with. When you click an audience created by a company list, you can see the campaigns it’s associated with under the Details section, as well as information like matched companies and unmatched companies.

Saved Audiences

Saved Audiences are audiences you build using audience attributes and then save for future use.

In the Saved section of the Audiences page, you can manage all your Saved Audiences for your ad account. In this section, you can: 

  • Create and save new audiences without having to create a campaign. This includes: 

    • Audiences you build from our audience attributes. 
    • Audiences you create using an existing Matched Audience that you modify with member attributes.
  • Edit an existing Saved Audience. 

  • Delete one or more of your Saved Audiences. 

  • Create a campaign from your new Saved Audience.

  • Access insights about your audience. 

  • View, sort, and filter by a description of your audiences, who has access to the audience, when the audience was last modified, and when it was last applied. 

When you create an audience from your Audiences page, you’ll see detailed insights, which can help guide you in creating the best audience for your campaign.

Important to know

As of August 2022, new and edited Saved Audiences will be saved at the ad account level. Saved Audiences created before August 2022 were saved in your member-level settings.  

When you save a Saved Audience, it’ll be available for everyone that has campaign manager access or higher on the ad account. To re-save your existing Saved Audiences to the account level, go to the Saved section of the Audiences page and click the Saved Audience, then click Manage in the upper-right corner of the page, then Save

Audience insights

From both the Matched and Saved sections of your Audiences page, you can view insights for each of your audiences.  

Insights include: 

  • Summary - Overview of the content, location, audience members, and company insights. 

  • Content - Topics your audience has recently engaged with on LinkedIn, such as products and general interests. 

  • Location - General areas where your audience is located. 

  • Members - Job-related attributes of your audience, such as skills and job titles. 

  • Companies - Details about where your audience works, such as company name and size.

Here's a tip

For Matched Audiences and predictive audiences, insights are only available if the audience status is Active or Ready, and the audience has at least 300 and up to 100 million member accounts. If your audience has been Archived, you’ll need to add it to a campaign to reactivate it. 

Keep in mind, if you make changes to a Matched Audience or predictive audience source data, such as a list that you re-upload, it might take up to 48 hours to reflect that change.

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