Content marketing

Why Video Is the #1 Creative Asset Marketers Must Leverage

Man speaking into a camera with a ring light and microphone.

We’ve all heard the term “humans are visual creatures.” If you look into the science behind that statement, humans are constantly processing information from our environment through visual and auditory clues to make sense of our surroundings and take the appropriate next steps. We love color and movement and remember messages when they are simple and evoke emotion. 

As marketers, we know that data is a key ingredient to informing our strategy and messaging. Herein lies the art and science of marketing where data and creativity are essential to creating memorable campaigns and why video is the perfect medium. This blog is full of data points that will help marketers build a business case for the power of creativity and the impact of video and how LinkedIn is empowering marketers to leverage both in their campaigns. 

What Does the Data Say? 

According to the B2B Institute, the better the creative, the more memorable your brand. Even better yet, the data shows that it can impact sales by 10-20X. While marketing budgets may not always be consistent, making the decision to invest in the quality of your advertising creative is a long-term strategy that will reap rewards for years to come, i.e. your audience’s long-term memory. 

In 2023 alone, video consumption is expected to reach 45.4% of the global population and video advertising spend could climb to $78.45 billion, even in an uncertain economic environment. That’s because we know it works. The science shows we are hard wired to notice movement. And if you take notice of your own action as a consumer of any platform feed, video catches your attention and causes you to slow your scroll.

The marketing data on video impact is equally impressive. According to HubSpot’s 2023 Video Marketing Trends Report, 68% of marketers say video content showcasing their products and services generates the biggest ROI and 63% say that content related to cultural moments and news stories generates the most video engagement. LinkedIn’s own B2B Marketing Benchmark research shows that after in-person events, video is the top channel where B2B marketers are planning to increase their investment.

Chart: Marketing techniques to be used in the next year

In an effort to meet the moment, LinkedIn is also investing in new video ad placements such as Instream Video Ads and Connected TV ads, which it will test with a select group of customers targeting a U.S. audience later this year. These formats are designed to help marketers drive brand messages within engaging visual environments to captivate audiences. Marketers can soon leverage enhanced video advertising with LinkedIn to maximize the scale, reach and efficacy of their campaigns to drive full-funnel impact. 

How Do Marketers Get Started?

Now that you know that video works and that creativity is essential, where do you begin? One of the biggest barriers to making the investment as a marketer is knowing whether the end product will yield the results we are seeking (and needing from an ROI perspective). Oftentimes the secret ingredient is finding the right marketing partner that can push the creative envelope and produce the type of high-quality content that will set your campaigns apart from the rest. 

This is where LinkedIn Marketing Partners come in. Our content and creative marketing partners are designed to help brands stand out on LinkedIn. They can help marketers of any company size and budget meet their campaign content creation needs. They are trained on LinkedIn best practices and know what works on the platform. Sophisticated marketing partners like VidMob even use AI-driven scoring to recommend the best creative for your campaigns so you can pivot and optimize in real-time to help improve performance. 

Image of Vidmob video

And to help make that connection for marketers, certain customer segments will begin to see notifications in Campaign Manager with information on how to incorporate video into your campaigns. Leveraging marketing partners not only improves the quality of your content, it can help you create memorable moments, which is what marketing is all about. Learn more here