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If life in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life in danger call Triple Zero 000

Privacy Collection Statement - Beyond Now Application

Lifeline Australia Limited (Lifeline Australia, we, us, our) is committed to protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Collection Statement should be read with the Lifeline Australia Privacy Policy and the Beyond Now Mobile Application Terms of Use


What personal information is collected and why?

We need to collect the Internet Protocol address (IP address) of the device used to access the Beyond Now Mobile Application (the App) to make the App available to you and to keep improving the App for the benefit of all users.  This may be considered personal information and we will handle it consistently with our Privacy Policy. (We do not collect your name, contact details, information you enter into the App, such as your safety plan, or any other personal information about you.) The App stores safety plan information natively on your device. The information entered into the App (such as your safety plan, the names of the people you can connect with or the photos/videos you have uploaded) is not shared with us or any third party except where you separately consent as part of an optional research project or survey we conduct. 


App Usage Analytics and Push Notifications to you

We collect information about your App usage so we can measure visitor numbers and evaluate how, when, from where and from what type of device people use the App and if the emergency calling feature is used.  

We use Google Analytics and Firebase, products provided by Google, to do this through aggregated reports they provide from using part of your IP address. These products do not identify individual users or associate a device’s IP address with any other data held by Google.

The App does not use any analytics products provided by Facebook to collect App usage information.

By using the App, you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner described in Google's Privacy Policy and for the purposes set out above. You can opt out of Google Analytics and Firebase if you disable or refuse the Google cookie, disable JavaScript, or use the opt-out service provided by Google.

With your consent, we also use OneSignal to send you push notifications with reminders or information about the App, including when you are not logged in the App. You can manage your push notification preferences or deactivate these notifications at any time by turning off the notification settings in Device Settings of your mobile device.

By using the App, you consent to OneSignal processing information about you in the manner described in OneSignal’s Privacy Policy and for the purposes set out above.


Who is your personal information disclosed to?

If we collect any personal information, we will only disclose it consistently with our Privacy Policy and:

  • to our third-party service providers (such as our IT and analytics service providers);
  • with your consent (for example, if you participate in one of our research projects);
  • if we reasonably believe that the disclosure will prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to somebody's life, health or safety (including your own) or serious threat to public health, property or public safety; or
  • if we are required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order, including to comply with mandatory reporting requirements in relation to suspected cases of child abuse and neglect or disclosure to police in relation to offshore detention issues.

Our third-party service providers may store personal information overseas when providing services as set out in the Google Privacy Policy and OneSignal Privacy Policy.


Optional participation in Research Projects and Surveys

From time to time, you may receive invitations from us through the App to participate in research projects regarding the App or surveys. Research projects will always be subject to approval by a Human Research Ethics Committee, require your informed consent to participate and explicit consent to collect your information. This will all be stored in the App (“Clinical Studies” tab) for your review at any time.

If you choose to participate in one of these projects, either facilitated through Lifeline Australia or one of its clinical research partners, then you may be asked to consent to provide additional personal information for the purposes of carrying out the research project. You will also be provided with a Plain Language Statement, Privacy Notice and Consent form.


More information about your privacy and how to contact us

For more information about how Lifeline Australia handles personal information including how you can access and correct personal information that we collect and hold about you and how to make a privacy complaint please read our Privacy Policy or contact us by email privacy@lifeline.org.au or post: PO Box R1084, ROYAL EXCHANGE NSW 1225.