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IdoBooking features

All IdoBooking features have been well thought out. This will significantly improve the quality of your customer service by reducing processing time and providing features that are adjusted to your personal needs.
Booking Engine

Booking Engine

Our all-in-one booking solution allows to book accommodation, tourist attraction and various types of services directly via your website, Facebook profile and third-party websites. With IdoBooking, you spent less time completing mundane administrative work and, at the same time, provide your customers with the top-notch service 24/7.

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Booking management system

Booking management system

Your booking management has never been easier. With just a few clicks, you can add new bookings or dag&drop reservations to squeeze the maximum availability out of your inventory. To save you the trouble, IdoBooking sends your customers instant reservation confirmations with all the details they need to know.

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Mobile App

Mobile App

Everywhere you go, you can take a quick look at your inventory thanks to IdoBooking mobile app. It has all the features you need to swiftly check availability and add new bookings. It also works offline and automatically synchronizes with the administrative panel.

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Channel Manager

Channel Manager

Maximize your revenue by selling all your inventory across as many sites as possible. Channel Manager helps you reach the most popular sales channels and connect with the growing web-savvy population of online bookers. Having control over all marketplaces in one system will finally let you minimize the risk of overbooking.

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Your website

Your own website

Mark your presence in the Internet by creating a free Showcase page. You think it’s difficult? Nothing could be further from the truth! We provide you with ready-to-use templates and easy CMS for creating and managing your web content. With minimum effort, you can get a modern, responsive website with embedded Booking Engine.

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Reports and statistics

Reports and statistics

Thanks to the reports and statistics module, you will learn more about booking habits of your customers - you will easily see which sales channels are the most profitable or what dates are most frequently picked. All that knowledge will help you consciously plan your next move and design an effective marketing campaign. What is more, a thorough analysis of your performance will tell you more about your website and help you make its navigation more intuitive.

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