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What is IdoBooking and why choose it?

A modern, intuitive booking system is the key to your success. Even the best accommodation offer won't attract customers if it doesn't come together with a quick and easy booking solution. IdoBooking enables both - effective reservation management and seamless online sales.
booking system

Your success matters to us

We approach every client individually - getting to know your personal needs and providing you with the best available solution is our priority. We aim to boost your revenue with multi-channel sales and show you how to generate low-commission bookings directly from your website.

What makes us different?
booking calendar

One system – endless possibilities

The idea behind IdoBooking is very simple – to create an all-in-one reservation management solution tailored to your needs. We accomplished this by putting all pieces together in one package – a Property Management System, Booking Engine, Channel Manger, Mobile Booking Manager, Website Builder and integrated payment systems.

See what you can gain
pay list

Professional solution at low cost

We prepared convenient payment models to adjust to your business type. You are the one to decide if you prefer a commission based subscription or a flat fee model. Additionally, we are at your disposal when it comes to the offer configuration – if you don’t know where to start, schedule a training or ask us about a comprehensive implementation package.

Check out our price list
website design

Website that reflects your character

You want to inject some of your unique personality into your brand’s look? Nothing simpler! Leave it up to our developers to make your website look outstanding with a brand-new dazzling design.

Have a look at our graphic works
Customer satisfaction

Take your business to the next level

We believe that customer satisfaction is the best indicator of a job well done. With this idea in mind, we always want to provide you with a flexible, simple in use and affordable system.

Learn about all possibilities

Guarantee of security and reliability

Every day, a group of professional developers and server administrators ensure the proper functioning of IdoBooking. We stay at the top of the game to guarantee the constant availability of our service and security of the stored data. Every employee obeys a set of very strict procedures to maintain safety of the infrastructure.

What we do to secure our system?

You can always count on us

Remember, we're here to help you explore all the features of IdoBooking. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us via one of the available channels – phone, e-mail or the ticketing system. We can always connect with you remotely and to swiftly provide you with support.

We're here to help you