User views

The following table describes the views that display user information. To see a view, users must have the privilege to list the object.
Table 1. User views
View name Description Output Ordered by nzsql
_v_aggregate Returns a list of all defined aggregates objid, Aggregate, Owner, CreateDate Aggregate \da
_v_database Returns a list of all databases objid, Database, Owner, CreateDate Database \l
_v_datatype Returns a list of all system data types objid, DataType, Owner, Description, Size DataType \dT
_v_function Returns a list of all defined functions objid, Function, Owner, CreateDate, Description, Result, Arguments Function \df
_v_group Returns a list of all groups objid, GroupName, Owner, CreateDate GroupName \dg
_v_groupusers Returns a list of all users of a group objid, GroupName, Owner, UserName GroupName, UserName \dG
_v_index Returns a list of all user indexes objid, IndexName, TableName, Owner, CreateDate TableName, IndexName \di
_v_operator Returns a list of all defined operators objid, Operator, Owner, CreateDate, Description, oprname, oprleft, oprright, oprresult, oprcode, and oprkind Operator \do
_v_procedure Returns a list of all the stored procedures and their attributes objid, procedure, owner, createdate, objtype, description, result, numargs, arguments, proceduresignature, builtin, proceduresource, sproc, and executedasowner Procedure  
_v_relation_column Returns a list of all attributes of a relation (table, view, index.) objid, ObjectName, Owner, CreateDate, ObjectType, attnum, attname, format_type(attypid,attypmod), and attnotnull ObjectName, and attnum  
_v_relation_column_def Returns a list of all attributes of a relation that have defined defaults objid, ObjectName, Owner, CreateDate, Objecttype, attnum, attname, and adsrc ObjectName, and attnum  
_v_sequence Returns a list of all defined sequences objid, SeqName, Owner, and CreateDate SeqName \ds
_v_session Returns a list of all active sessions ID, PID, UserName, Database, ConnectTime, ConnStatus, and LastCommand ID \act
_v_table Returns a list of all user tables objid, TableName, Owner, and CreateDate TableName \dt
_v_table_dist_map Returns a list of all fields that are used to determine the table’s data distribution objid, TableName, Owner, CreateDate, DistNum, and DistFldName TableName, and DistNum  
_v_table_index Returns a list of all user table indexes T.objid, TableName, T.Owner, IndexName, CreateDate, I.indkey, l.indisunique, l.indisprimary, T.relhasrules, and T.relnatts TableName, and IndexName  
_v_user Returns a list of all users objid, UserName, Owner, ValidUntil, and CreateDate UserName \du
_v_usergroups Returns a list of all groups of which the user is a member objid, UserName, Owner, and GroupName UserName, and GroupName \dU
_v_view Returns a list of all user views objid, ViewName, Owner, CreateDate, relhasindex, relkind, relchecks, reltriggers, relhasrules, relukeys, relfkeys, relhaspkey, and relnatts ViewName \dv