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Free File Fillable Tax Forms: What They Are, How They Work

Free File fillable tax forms are electronic forms that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) makes available to taxpayers on its website. They are exact digital versions of the hard-copy forms individuals use to file their income tax returns. The IRS designed the digital forms for advanced users who already know which forms they require.

Key Takeaways

  • Free File fillable tax forms are tax forms that the United States government makes digitally available to taxpayers.
  • Taxpayers can also use professional tax preparation software for free if their 2021 income was $73,000 or less.
  • Filing electronically gets your returns in faster and gets your refund back to you sooner.

What Are Free File Fillable Tax Forms?

The IRS first released the Free File fillable fax forms in 2009 as a way of transitioning to a digital filing process. These electronic forms have since minimized the number of errors in income tax filing. More than 46 million people have used Free File fillable forms.

Taxpayers with an individual or family income of $79,000 or less can also get the assistance of different professional tax software programs that have partnered with the IRS to provide their services free through Free File.

Of course, all taxpayers are welcome to download the tax forms available at IRS.gov for free. Only the free tax preparation software is limited by income.

Tax returns for the 2021 tax year are being accepted by the IRS beginning Jan. 29, 2024.

Certain taxpayers may file their federal tax returns for free directly with the IRS through the Direct File program. This service is available to people who lived in the following states in 2023: Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington State, and Wyoming. Tax filers must submit state tax returns separately. Refer to the IRS website to see if you qualify.

How Free File Fillable Tax Forms Work

The IRS uses these tax forms to speed up the process of receiving income tax refunds. Taxpayers can access the Free File fillable tax forms on the IRS website.

Once a taxpayer downloads the forms, they can fill them out by entering their data directly on a computer, phone, or tablet without printing out the forms. From there, the taxpayer signs the form on the computer and then files the forms electronically with the IRS. Once completed, the return is sent to the agency using the latest encryption technology.

Unlike many commercial tax preparation software packages that systematically check the taxpayer's information to ensure that the taxpayer takes every deduction, the IRS Free File fillable forms do not provide any assistance in filing and do not include state tax forms. You can choose an IRS partner site for filing assistance, and state tax forms can be included but may incur a fee.

Please note that for most taxpayers, 2023 tax returns will be due on April 15, 2024. However, for those living in Massachusetts, their deadline to file is April 17, 2022, due to the Patriots' Day holiday in those states.

You can use professional tax preparation software for free through the IRS Free File service if your individual or family income is $79,000 or less during the 2023 tax year.

Getting Started with Free File

To file your taxes digitally using the free fillable tax forms, you need certain information in advance. To fill out the forms properly, you need the adjusted gross income (AGI) listed on your previous year's tax return, your Social Security number (SSN) as well as your spouse's and those of any dependents if you have any.

You also need access to documents concerning your yearly income, like your W-2, which states your annual wages, your receipts, and documentation of any Social Security benefits or unemployment compensation. If you have a small business or any income from rental, real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, or trusts, make sure you have the official numbers and proper documentation handy.

To file using the Free File Fillable tax form, you will also need either your personal identification number and five-digit PIN, or your previous year's AGI, which is found on the tax return. If you can't find this information, the IRS offers a tool online to retrieve your AGI.

What Is IRS Free File?

IRS Free File is a service offered through the IRS and its partnership with tax filing and preparation software companies. These businesses offer their services to certain taxpayers for free. Individuals can choose to use guided tax software or free fillable tax forms.

Can I File a Paper Return?

Yes, you can still file a paper return with the IRS. All paper returns must be postmarked by the tax due date to be considered on time. Keep in mind that it takes longer to process paper tax returns so if you're expecting a refund, it may come later than if you filed your return electronically.

When Is Tax Day?

Tax Day normally falls on April 15 each year. This is the date by which your federal (and, in most cases, state) tax returns should be filed. If April 15 falls on a weekend or holiday, Tax Day gets pushed to the next business day.

The Bottom Line

Filing electronically ensures that the IRS gets your annual federal tax return in a timely manner. Doing so also helps speed up the processing time if you're expecting a refund. Just remember to complete your forms by the tax deadline (April 15 or the following business day if it falls on a weekend or holiday) so it isn't considered late—especially if you have a balance owing.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. Internal Revenue Service. "E-File Opens for 2009 With New Features to Expand Taxpayer Access, Help Speed Refunds."

  2. Benefits.gov. "Free File."

  3. Internal Revenue Service. "IRS Free File: Do your taxes for free."

  4. Internal Revenue Service. “2024 tax filing season set for January 29; IRS continues to make improvements to help taxpayers."

  5. Internal Revenue Service. "Direct File."

  6. Internal Revenue Service. "Free File Fillable Forms."

  7. Mass.gov. "Current Tax Filing Season Overview."

  8. Internal Revenue Service. "IRS Free File: Do your taxes for free," Select, "What You Need to Get Started."

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